Toy Soldier Animation: For this shot the soldier animation was very simple. I started with the toy soldier above the camera and key framed him falling downwards into the bin. I then added the toy soldier revolving and his arms and legs moving. When the soldier hits the bin, I animated him bouncing back slightly and landing with his limbs in a new position.
Prop Animation: I also quickly animated the trash models moving slightly when they toy soldier hits the bin.

There is a main spot that acts as the street lamp and this has Ray Traced shadows. There also a second spot light that gives background light to the scene. This light casts no shadows.

The camera is positioned above the bin and is stationary for the whole shot. I chose to put the camera is this position because I liked the way the toy soldier fell into shot. I also get enough of the floor and wall in the shot to put the bin and toy soldier scale.
There were no real problems in this shot.
I would have liked to spend a little more time animating the trash on impact. However, I'm still happy with how the shot turned out.
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