Toy Soldier Animation: All that was needed in this shot was to animate the hand towards the pencil and then the fingers/thum to grip the pencil.
I then set a planted key on the hand to the pencil.
Prop Animation: After the hand had gripped the pencil I just needed to animate the pencil moving up and towards the soldier.

There is a main spot that acts as the street lamp and this has Ray Traced shadows. There also a second spot light that gives background light to the scene. This light casts no shadows.

The camera is positioned above the pencil and is stationary for the whole shot. I chose to put the camera is this position because I liked the way the hand moves into the shot, picks up the pencil, then moves back out of the shot.
There were no real problems in this shot.
I have no major feeling about this shot. It was needed for the story. I chose to only see the hand so I didn't need to animate any of the soldier's body.
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