Toy Soldier Animation: With a planted key on the hand to the pencil and the boot to the floor, I key framed the toy soldier leaning on the crutch and hopping forward towards the paper. This was effectivley by rotating the shoulders and hips while removing the planted key on the floor and setting it back when landing.
I then animated the soldier leaning to balance on its one leg and grasping the pencil with both hands.
The soldier's emotion was animated to start with confusion and then changes to worry.
Prop Animation: With the soldier's hand planted on the pencil I animated it moving up, forward and then back down. I also animated the pencil being lifted up and pointed towards the paper.
To animate the paper I just key framed it movinf up and rotating from side to side slightly.

There is a main spot that acts as the street lamp and this has Ray Traced shadows. There also a second spot light that gives background light to the scene. This light casts no shadows.
I also included a spot light which does not cast a shadow to give some illumination to the front of the soldier. Another spot light was also added with a Ray Traced shadow to illuminate and shade the paper.

The camera starts positioned behind the soldier with the source of the noise hidden. The camera then dollies round, revealing the paper, to the front of the soldier and pans upwards to show the soldier's face and the pencil being pointed.
Getting a realistic crutch walk motion was a pain, but I was helped by using my reference video and my mirror.
I'm happy with the crutch walk motion in this shot. I also very much like the camera movement. How it hides, then reveals the source of the noise and fluidly moves to view the emotion on the soldier's face.
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