Thursday 24 March 2011

Rag Doll Rig

For my rag doll, the first step was to create a biped and scale it to fit inside of the model.

I then added a skin modifier to my rag doll model and added the biped I had just created. I spent a long while skinning the vertices of my model to the biped, paying a lot of attention to the complicated thigh and hips area.

To rig the face of the rag doll I duplicated the model multiple times and changed a single feature of each one of the models face. I did this until all the required components had been created.

After I had created all the different facial expression components I made a morph modifier on the rag doll model and added all the models. I then spent some time making test emotions.

I was very happy with how these turned out and feel they would been good enough to communicate the character's emotion to the audience.

This completed the modelling and rigging of my rag doll character which is now ready to animate.

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