Thursday 17 March 2011


Here are the storyboards for my animation. This is the final version but they may be subject to slight changes while animating.

The pictures are bad quality, but that is due to the lack of a decent camera. All original design and planning images will included with the print of this blog.

1. A bin is revealed in a dark alleyway under light from a street lamp.
2. A broken toy soldier is dropped into the bin
3. The toy soldier wakes to find himself alone, scared and confused in a strange place.
4. The toy soldier jumps down onto the floor and lands hard on his front.

5. The toy soldier looks around his surroundings in fear and confusion.
6. The toy soldier then picks up a pencil and uses it as a crutch.
7. A newspaper is revealed to be rustling.
8. The toy soldier jumps looking for the noise.

9. The newspaper is revealed again to be rustling even more.
10. The toy soldier approaches nervously holding the pencil as a weapon.
11. The newspaper is pulled off to show a broken doll shocked and scared to see a toy soldier.
12. Shocked, the soldier falls to the ground.

13. The toy soldier tries to stop the doll from running away and fails.
14. From a safe place the doll spies on the toy soldier despairing on the ground.
15. The doll approaches the toy soldier and offers a hand which he accepts.
16. The doll and toy soldier then walk off into the night together.

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