Wednesday 13 April 2011

New Skills

During this module I have learnt a number of new skills and further developed a few existing skills.

At the beginning of this module I realised that this was not a modelling module. Because of this I forced to make my character and prop models quickly without spending the usual amount of time I spend. Given the fact that I only spend around a quarter of the time on my models compared to what I usually spend, I was very happy with the their look and the outcome.

I decided early on that I was going to challenge myself with the animation and make animated sequences that not only lend themselves to the story, but look impressive and complicated.
This can mainly be seen in the shots where the toy soldier has to hop on one leg, stand up off the ground and walk with a crutch. These shots were all very complicated to do and took a lot of time, but in the end I think it was worth it.
I also decided to animate my own run and walk sequences for my doll and not use the ones in 3DS Max already.

I further developed my sense of cinematography and camera movement. I decided to make sure I would not have more than one moving camera in consecutive shots. This was to avoid the viewer getting 'camera fatigue'.

Finally, I learnt about particle systems and how they can be used to make realistic rain and other effects. I now find the whole process very simple and think I will use it a lot more in my future animations.

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